On 07/07/07,i wake up at around 7.00am and quickly pack and get dress up and went to smkss to celebrate pestaria.If i were to create this carnival name i will named it "the wild pesta" coz all of us are getting wilder and wilder.I went there and i saw yin fey and i gave her 20 bucks for the coupon and i help michelle hor's stall to sell out their roti jala,cakes,cookies,perfume,and those rings.
When i arrive there i also went to yin san's stall and michelle yong's stall.Each stall i also saw all my skss friends that we use to study in the same school and same class.I miss those wonderful memories so much.Each of the stall i saw them and i think that they really grown up too fast.I can saw their hardwork from how they try to sell their food and stuff to those people.
Then i went back to michelle hor's stall and try to help them out.I brought 2 packets of roti jala and 1 packet of chocolate cookies home.I also help michelle yong's stall and buy 1 can of 100 plus from her stall.I'm so sad that i brought nothing from yin san's stall.Then lydia,katelyn,michelle and me keep on shouting and shouting and trying to attract more customers to buy our food.I remember there was an uncle who help us to buy 12 packets of roti jala and 1 aunty brought the whole cake.
At the stall i really get amazed how we sell something and how we attract those customer.This is also a lessons for me and an experiance on how to sell stuff so next time can think to sell something.Well i also get to know 2 new friends which is jo lynn and heather.Both of them are sweet and cute.When we were selling michelle said "eh maylee some of those customers just take a look at our food and then show some stupid face all that are so sohai" then i was just laughing that its true.
You were shouting and shouting and when the customer came closer to your stall you try to say all the goodies to them and then they shakes their head and show their stupid face and went away.That was not just making us feel dissapointed but also making us angry.I was so happy on that time that i can join them selling roti jala and other stuff.We were singing and dancing while the DJ canopy were playing some songs that rocks so much.
Then the DJ canopy annouce that kumaran have choose a song for michelle yong and we make a mistake and thought it was for rachel than we were shouting like "oh my gosh kumaran sent you a song so romantic" then don't know who said "you all get mistaken it was for michelle yong not rachel" then we was like cheh....and continue selling out food.
i feel fun in smkss and i don't know when i will have that kind of feel again.Maybe smkss will held another pesta?i'm not sure but anyway thanks to my friends who have given me so much joy.I'm really appreciate it.There's one pic that have took it with kate-lyn,michelle hor and lydia the one and only picture i took.Thanks to jo lynn for taking the pictures and thanks to michelle hor for posting it on her blog.And the one with white shirt was me.
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