Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Boring day...

Although today i have exam science paper 1 and paper 2 but then i also got chinese exam paper 1.I was again sitting there on my exam place and do my own work...As we was doing our science paper our penyelia petang teacher came in and all out the names that got went to the camp.He said...

PP = Ok...anda semua adalah calon yang dipilih untuk menyertai kem bahasa inggeris oleh guru dan pengajar inggeris yang berprofesional.Jadi...saya hendak kamu semua menyertainya.Ia adalah satu aktiviti yang baik...kamu semua sangat berpotensi dan cikgu kamu telah memilih kamu sebagai calon.Jadi...esok saya hendak kamu semua datang ke sekolah esok pada pukul?

Us = sebelas

PP = dimana?

Us = Dewan terbuka

PP = ok bagus...jadi semua kena hadir...kamu jangan memberi alasan tak ada kenderaan atau sebagainya.Pihak sekolah telah bayar semua yuran dan anda perlu hadir dan bermain sahaja dan sambil belajar.Ok?

Us = ok...

Then he left the classroom...when he was talking,i so wanted to laugh but i keep inside and when he just turn around and walk away,I started to laugh and i just can't stop laughing...Then on chinese exam...i was boring...and i found an empty bottle so...i pour some mineral water and i use the compasses to make a small hole on the bottle cover and then i squeeze the bottle and i splash my friend's place...So funny....The teacher already blind.She can't saw us playing water...

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The Malaysian based Korean Actress

between HK and Korea, Secret, Malaysia
I am from malaysia but my heart is in korea.I love korean dramas and korean songs.And also of course i love koreans boys too.And beside korea i also love HK.I only love these 2 places.